Europan 2017

The discussion and criticism about the contemporary city’s continuous sprawl has increased over the last decades, alongside the inherited alienation and rigid functional zoning that the modern urban planning has imposed. Such urban planning failures in the Netherlands are numerous, including Almere and other housing areas that have been transformed into “ghost cities” due to the lack of mixed functions.  We strongly believe that this is a result of the following two facts: firstly, the mono-functional character of an area and secondly, its aging population. In the case of Amsterdam, urban expansion is also limited by its historical substance and rigid form, making the creation of new land on the Ij river the only option for densification and architectural experimentation. 
The productive city is all about cooperation, start-ups, sharing knowledge and immaterial production. We propose vertical programmatic hybrids within the same building, so that housing and working can overlap and the sense of community can become omnipresent. We propose a Hybrid City! 

Total area:
Competition team:

Sluisbuurt, Amsterdam, NL
competition entry — 3rd prize
urban planning
7 000 m2
Marina Kounavi, in collaboration with Architects for Urbanity: Karolina Szóstkiewicz, Irgen Salianji, Harris Siaravas, Marco De Vincentiis, Maria Akrivou, Antonis Athanasiou