Operational water management center

The slender silhouette of the operational water management centre fits into the plan area so that the visual experience towards the Otava riverfront is maintained upon entry. Positioned at the edge, leaving as much space and freedom as possible for logistics and the operation of the entire site, including access between the water on the north side and the main entrance on the south side. 
The proposal is designed as a prefabricated steel structure consisting of five main modules into which all the required functions are “embedded”. The horizontal support consists of a concrete panel system. The simple modular design allows for a flexible interior layout and adaptation to any future changes. 

Total area:
Competition team:

Strakonice, CZ
Povodí Vltavy, státní podnik
competition entry
office building and facility for workers
1 400 m2 building (3 000 m2 site area)
Anne-Sereine Tremblay, Jan Kudlička, Marina Kounavi, Konstantina Lola